The Law of the First Amendment: A Revisit Twenty-One Years Later

On March 20 from 4:00 to 6:00 the Wayne Law Review will present The Law of the First Amendment: A Revisit Twenty-One Years Later, a Constitutional Scholars’ roundtable. Recognized as one of the foremost authorities on Constitutional and First Amendment Law, this event highlights an upcoming article in the Wayne Law Review written by Distinguished Professor of Law, Robert A. Sedler. Twenty years ago, Robert Sedler wrote an article published in the Washington & Lee Law Review, discussing the differences in approach among academia and litigation on The Law of the First Amendment. Anticipated discussion for the event will chronicle those concepts, principles, and doctrines originally explored and as updated in his new work.

Featured guest speakers include:

  • The Honorable Avern L. Cohn Residing Federal Judge at the United States Court for the Eastern District of Michigan
  • Kevin W. Saunders Professor of Law and The Charles Clarke Chair in Constitutional Law, Michigan State University College of Law, and
  • Christopher C. Lund, Assistant Professor of Law, Wayne State University Law School, where his principal academic interest is in religious liberty.

Each of our guest speakers will offer his scholarly perspective to help frame the debate on The Law of the First Amendment.

Go Here for more information.