Informed Consent and the Differential Diagnosis: How the Law Can Overestimate Patient Autonomy and Compromise Health Care
Marc D. Ginsberg
60 Wayne L. Rev. 349
Deterring Jus In Bello Violations of Superiors as a Foundation for Military Justice Reform
Robert Bejesky
60 Wayne L. Rev. 395
Beauty and Ugliness in Offer and Acceptance
Kenneth K. Ching
60 Wayne L. Rev.
The Voting Rights Act Under Review: Shelby County v. Holder and the Consequences of Change
Kiefer Cox
60 Wayne L. Rev. 493
Detroit Institute of Arts: A Cultural Gem or Detroit’s Piggy Bank?
Brittney Kohn
60 Wayne L. Rev. 515
Protecting Digital Assets after Death: Issues to Consider in Planning for Your Digital Estate
Rachel Pinch
60 Wayne L. Rev. 545
Tesla, Vertical Integration, and Incumbent Legal Disadvantages in the New Car Retailing Market
Rob Schwartz
60 Wayne L. Rev. 567