Volume 55 No. 4 – Comprehensive Immigration Reform Symposium: Problems, Possibilities and Pragmatic Solutions

Comprehensive Immigration Reform Symposium: Problems, Possibilities and Pragmatic Solutions

Volume 56 No. 4

Ten Guiding Principles For Truly Comprehensive Immigration Reform: A Blueprint
55 Wayne L. Rev. 1599
Kevin R. Johnson

Remarks: Recognizing The Problem Of Solidarity: Immigration In The Post-Welfare State
55 Wayne L. Rev. 1641
David Abraham

Proportional Deportation
55 Wayne L. Rev. 1651
Angela M. Banks

Sanctuary Policies & Immigration Federalism: A Dialectic Analysis
55 Wayne L. Rev. 1683
Pratheepan Gulasekaram & Rose Cuison Villazor

The Practice Of Medical Repatriation: The Privatization Of Immigration Enforcement And Denial Of Human Rights
55 Wayne L. Rev. 1725
Lori A. Nessel

The Political Economy Of The Dream Act And The Legislative Process: A Case Study Of Comprehensive Immigration Reform
55 L. Rev. 1757
Michael A. Olivas

Waiting for Alvarado: How Administrative Delay Harms Victims Of Gender-Based Violence Seeking Asylum
55 Wayne L. Rev. 1811
Sarah Rogerson

No Matter What: The Inevitability Of Mexican-U.S. Migration, And Its Lessons For Border Control Strategies
55 Wayne L. Rev. 1851
Ragini Shah

Closing The Borders: Reverse Brain Drain And The Need For Immigration Reform
55 Wayne L. Rev. 1877
Janice D. Villiers

Essay: U.S. Immigration Law: Where Antiquated Views On Gender And Sexual Orientation Go To Die
55 Wayne L. Rev. 1897
Marisa S. Cianciarulo

Article: The Michigan Supreme Court, Stare Decisis, And Overruling the Overrulings
55 Wayne L. Rev. 1911
Robert A. Sedler