57 Wayne L. Rev. 1 – 9/11 and the Legal Landscape: A Decade Later

Wayne Law Review

Volume 57 No. 1

2011 Symposium Logo

click here for video of the symposium

Naked Scanners, GPS Tracking, and Private Citizens: Technology’s Role in Balancing Security and Privacy
57 Wayne L. Rev. 1
Jeffrey Rosen

The Literal Third Way in Approaching “Material Support for Terrorism”: Whatever Happened to 18 U.S.C. § 2339b(C)
and the Civil Injuctive Option?
57 Wayne L. Rev. 11
Joshua L. Dratel

Calling the Government to Account: Habeas Corpus in the Aftermath of Boumediene
57 Wayne L. Rev. 99
Jonathon Hafetz

Guantanamo: Understanding the Narrative of Dehumanization Through the Lens of American Exceptionalism and Duality of 9/11
57 Wayne L. Rev. 163
Saby Ghoshray

Rethinking Presidential Supremacy
57 Wayne L. Rev. 227
Heidi Kitrosser

Rethinking Executive Power and Counterterrorism
57 Wayne L. Rev. 235
Robert F. Turner

Searching for Effective and Constitutional Reponses to Homegrown Terrorists
57 Wayne L. Rev. 255
Barbara L. McQuade

Secure Mobility and the Right to Movement
57 Wayne L. Rev. 261
Susan Ginsburg

The Demise Of Privacy: Michigan Cases Post 9/11
57 Wayne L. Rev. 271
Kary L. Moss

A Case for a National Security Court
57 Wayne L. Rev. 275
Andrew C. McCarthy

The Real Terrorist Agenda—The Destruction of the Bill of Rights
57 Wayne L. Rev.
William Goodman

Discussions from a Former Chief Legal Officer of the C.I.A.
57 Wayne L. Rev.
John Rizzo

Ijury: The Emerging Role of Electronic Communication Devices in the Courtroom
57 Wayne L. Rev. 291
Michael R. Kon

The Legality of the United States’ Use of Targeted Killings in the War Against Terror
57 Wayne L. Rev. 313
Brian D. Shekell

The Bush and Obama Administrations’ Invocation of the State Secret Privilege in National Security Litigation: A Proposal for Robust Judicial Review
57 Wayne L. Rev. 335
Ahmad A. Chehab