A Tribute to Professor Erica Beecher-Monas
Robert Ackerman, Paul R. Dubinsky, Julia Ya Qin, and Steven L. Winter
63 Wayne L. Rev. 134
Response to Gerrymandering
Robert P. Davidow
63 Wayne L. Rev. 145
Exposing the Reality of the “Sanctuary-City” Debate & Liberal States-Rights’ Litigation
Cara Cunningham Warren
63 Wayne L. Rev. 156
Federal Marijuana Policy: Homage to Federalism in Form; Potemkin Federalism in Substance
Matthew A. Melone
63 Wayne L. Rev. 215
A Transformative Use Taxonomy: Making Sense of the Transformative Use Standard
David E. Shipley
63 Wayne L. Rev. 270
Isn’t That Hearsay Anyway? How the Federal Hearsay Rule Can Serve as a Map to the Confrontation Clause
Artem M. Joukov
63 Wayne L. Rev. 338
Environmental Injustice in Michigan Air Permitting
Erin E. Mette
63 Wayne L. Rev. 385
The Community Caretaking Exception: How the Courts Can Allow the Police to Keep Us Safe without Opening the Floodgates to Abuse
David Fox
63 Wayne L. Rev. 408
Unambiguitize Luis v. United States: A Burden-Shifting Solution
Nhan Ho
63 Wayne L. Rev. 438
Religious Liberty and the Counseling Profession: A Conflict of Rights
Alana Karbal
63 Wayne L. Rev. 463