Clicking Through Consent
R. George Wright
64 Wayne L. Rev. 315
Used Not Only as Directed: Michigan’s Adaptation of the Uniform Directed Trust Act
James P. Spica
64 Wayne L. Rev. 341
The Ninth Cause: Using the Ninth Amendment as a Cause of Action to Cure Incongruence in Current Civil Rights Litigation Law
Derek Warden
64 Wayne L. Rev. 404
A Second Amendment in Jeopardy of Article V Repeal, and “AMFIT,” A Legislative Proposal Ensuring the 2nd Amendment into the 22nd Century: Affordable Mandatory Firearms Insurance and Tax (AMFIT), a Solution to Maintaining the Right to Bear Arms and Promoting the General Welfare
Christian Ketter
64 Wayne L. Rev. 434
“One is the Loneliest Number that You’ll Ever Do”: Determining a Substantial Number of Components Under 35 U.S.C. § 271(F)(1) After Life Technologies Corp. v. Promega Corp.
Jeffrey Lehrberg
64 Wayne L. Rev. 503
Substantive Due Process as Recourse for Flint Water Crisis Plaintiffs
Lauren Madison
64 Wayne L. Rev. 532
The Equifax Breach Amid a Lawless Landscape: Changes are Afoot for Privacy & Data Security Due to the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation
Gergana Sivrieva
64 Wayne L. Rev. 553
Unlocking the Right Against Self-Incrimination: A Predictive Analysis of 21st Century Fifth Amendment Jurisprudence
Madeline Leamon
64 Wayne L. Rev. 583